My hot dating book is available here!To purchase A Woman's Guide to Understanding Men: Dating Secrets Most Women Don't Know click on the book's name in blue! To be on my launch team, where you will get goodies and more insight into the book, email me at [email protected]. xoxo
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I give smart and successful women the tools to find lasting love.
Many modern beautiful woman today have achieved a great deal. They have beauty, brains, a fabulous career and a lifestyle they love, yet they haven't been able to find their Mr. Right. There are several reasons for this, and while each woman is on her own path, I've noticed certain themes. One of the key aspects to my coaching includes helping smart successful women understand smart successful men. This is critical because without understanding them, you'll have difficulty attracting Mr. Right. When women start to respect the romantic differences between men and women, that's when they get their fairy tales. I teach courtship strategies for the modern woman. These strategies work like a charm on the right guy and give you the love life you always dreamed about. Through private and group coaching courses, I've gotten clients engaged and married, showing them key tools to find Mr. Right. I also teach strategies to weed out time-wasters, which is a huge benefit to my busy professional clientele. You'll be in control while dating. You'll feel sexy and confident. You'll save time because you'll weed out Mr. Wrongs quickly. I teach you how to have boundaries, which improves self-esteem and makes you irresistible to the right man. Check out my coaching page, where I explain the different ways you can work with me. Fill out this form and I'll get back to you to discuss how I can help you going forward. Or if you have questions, contact me at: [email protected] |
Sought After Dating ExpertAn Ivy educated coach, I am a highly sought after dating and relationship expert quoted frequently in media publications.
A Rules certified dating coach, I appear regularly on radio shows and podcasts. Click the "As Seen In" button to the right to see a small sampling of the places where I've been featured. Because I'm continually being quoted, not all the press will be listed here, so feel free to do a google search! For more information, check out the coaching courses on the "coaching," section of my website or email [email protected] |