My Cat Is The Ultimate Rules Girl There are two Rules girls living in my house. Me and my gorgeous little kitty Pretty Girl. Rules behavior is hard wired in her. I, on the other hand, learned The Rules from "The Rules" books and working with authors Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider. Pretty Girl is what we call a natural Rules girl, so I'm dedicating this blog to her. She's beautiful to me, bad breath and all. Because she is so cute, with shiny hair, and has gorgeous green eyes, I can just stare at her, in awe. I overlook her flaws. Bad breath is cute. When she's being bad, she's still adorable and I love her. She scampers away sometimes when I try to pet her and it cracks me up. I don't get irritated at her for running away from me. I think it's funny and cute. She's sociable, but always leaves us wanting more. She will hang out with a crowd of guests, but not for long. We pet her but she gets up and leaves gracefully, usually leaving everyone wanting more of her. She takes care of herself. She is always cleaning, primping. She is not clingy and when she does hang out with me, I cherish the time with her. When she does come to me, and rub against me and hang out for a while, I am so happy she's there because she is usually so independent and has so many other places around the house that she enjoys hanging out. Usually she's the one leaving my lap gracefully, and when I do have to get up first, she gets the hint right away and bolts. She's independent and never jealous. We are often wondering: "Where did Pretty Girl go?" She's not a groupie who we can't get rid of. She's not whiny and doesn't nag. Sometimes, if she wants food and I'm not ready, she'll meow, but only once or twice. Somehow she knows nagging doesn't work. She leaves me alone when I'm sick. Somehow she senses that I need to be alone. I'm so thankful she is not needy when I'm sick and have nothing to give. She senses something is wrong. I still love her but want to deal with being sick alone. She loves fur and leopard, just like me. I can't put my fur (fake fur) vests or coats on a table or a couch because she will almost immediately lie on top of them! She likes her luxurious fabrics. Just one look at her and I'm in a better mood. Even when I'm in a bad mood, I look at her staring at me with her funny curious face, and I have to smile. She's so easy to be with. And easy to take care of. All she needs is food, water and her liter box and she is OK alone for long stretches of time. She likes to play with kids, but when the kids all run off with each other, she isn't jealous. She hangs out by herself, happily. Soon, the kids come to her again, though, and she can't get rid of them. She makes the best of a situation. She goes with the flow. Once she got locked into a closet accidentally for an afternoon. We could not find her for hours. She didn't make a fuss. She may have tried to get out but when she realized it was no use, she lay down and took a nap. When we finally found her in the closet, she was napping. So cute. Here's to Pretty Girl. You are a delightful cat who I love to death. You are a terrific example of what it means to play hard to get, and you are graceful and beautiful and confident - a true Rules girl. |
About Me:I give smart successful women tools to weed out time-wasters and teach them how to find their Mr. Rights. Previous Blogs
January 2023