Don’t fret ladies, you aren’t alone.
In my work as a dating coach I meet many single women who have it all. Beauty. Brains. A great career. A lifestyle to die for. They have achieved so much, yet they haven’t been able to achieve their goal of finding Mr. Forever. There are several reasons why many amazing women are still single, and while each one is different, I notice certain themes. I was asked to appear this month on a radio show in Connecticut called the Anna and Raven show to help pretty producer Megan Stone find a guy. She’s in her late 20s, and is beautiful and smart. But she hadn’t had a date in 6 years. LISTEN TO THE SHOW It turns out Megan is a bit of a workaholic, and that is one thing keeping her from meeting men. She’s not getting out enough to events where single men may be, and she’s not very active on online dating sites. Unfortunately, once you get beyond your mid-twenties, single men aren’t as plentiful as they might have been in college. Finding your Mr. Forever is much more likely if you take action on your goal. Even if you work a lot, like Megan and many other smart successful ladies, you need to put yourself out there. If meeting Mr. Forever is a priority, taking steps to meet him should be a priority as well. Here are some action steps you can take this week:
Ladies, this list is just a start to help you to begin moving things along in the right direction. Stay tuned for future blogs that reveal many more traits of a successful dater. After working with women as a dating coach for 15 years, I have noticed that women who are achieving their goal of finding Mr. Forever have several traits in common. Taking the right actions is one of the traits, and I will be going over the others in future blogs. Get in touch to apply for a 30-minute call where I can explain to you how I can help you find your Mr. Forever in the next year. You can APPLY HERE. xoxo, Karenna It's All About How You Make Him Feel![]() The women who are succeeding at finding and keeping their Mr. Forevers succeed at this one thing: They know how to make their boyfriends and husbands feel good. And it might not always be in ways you think. They make him feel good inside, good about you and the relationship, and this is key: they make him feel like a man. It goes beyond looks and sexual attraction, although those two things are necessary. Too many women don’t get men. (Stay tuned on my upcoming book on this topic. I think it’s such an important subject, I am devoting an entire book to this). While you are dating, it’s key to allow a man to court you. Making a man feel like he just scaled Mount Everest is crucial, and this key aspect is not well understood by most modern women. Women also need to be happy - throughout the courtship process and beyond. A high quality guy can sense when you aren’t happy and he feels like crap. He feels like he can’t please you, and it’s frustrating for him. It means the world to him to know that he can make you happy. When women don’t feel good inside, they can easily repel or lose a boyfriend or a husband. So ladies, make sure you don’t ignore your role in the equation. It’s not always the guy’s fault. You may be getting out there, going on tons of blind dates and going out to events and swiping left and right all the time online, but nothing is clicking. If there is something off inside, it can push good men away. Even if you are in a relationship, if he feels like something is off with you and the relationship, he may pull back. He may not be able to put his finger on it, but it’s there, and it could be the reason he drags his heels on proposing or why he may not be as in love with you as he originally was when you first started dating. He may love you, but just fear commitment because something feels off. He picks up on the fact that you aren’t happy or that he may not be making you happy. It just may be that you aren’t happy with yourself, and when that happens he thinks you are impossible to please. You need to be self-assured on the inside - you need to love yourself, and no one, is going to do this for you. Not even your Mr. Forever. Even if your prince comes in on his white horse and marries you, you won’t be happy if you aren’t already happy with yourself. Even if he showers you with love and adoration and roses and puts a big beautiful ring on it, if you aren’t feeling good about yourself, you could easily lose a good thing. What you want is to be happy and fulfilled on your own, and then you will be able to attract, and keep, an equally healthy guy. When you are happy and love yourself, without making it contingent on a guy, you will be able to have it all. Feel free to text me at 203-349-9782 or email me at [email protected] to hear more about how I can help you - through private coaching or through courses - find your Mr. Forevers. For daily tips and advice, like my fan page: xoxo, Karenna ![]() One of the reasons I became a dating coach is because I was always getting hurt by men in my teens and twenties. I was too nice and didn't have good boundaries. I thankfully - eventually - found some great mentors who taught me how to understand men and helped me with boundaries, and that was a huge turning point for me - personally and career wise. (I now have a new career that I LOVE as a dating and relationship coach). My relationships with men did a 360 and a funny thing happens when your romantic relationships improve, your relationships with everyone else become better, too! Learning good boundaries truly helped me weed out guys who were just wasting my time. It took a while to fully grasp the concept, and at times it was tricky to implement because while you want to stand up for yourself, you also want to be easy to be with. This is a subtle concept I eventually learned really well, and it has helped me navigate romantic and other relationships so much better. It is one of the concepts I love sharing with clients. Boundaries is one aspect of the inner game that is so crucial for single daters to master because when you master it, you end up in relationships with men who treat you like a goddess. It's one of the principals that I am teaching in a special course I am unveiling this Monday, called MAN-ifesting Mr. Forever. I created this course - which includes lessons on boundaries, dating strategy, confidence, the outer package, tools to counteract blocks and to get yourself in a good vibration - because it has been the missing link for so many successful single women. When single women think they are worthy and start feeling more confident and self-assured while dating, this leads to three things: they are happier they attract a guy faster they attract a guy who is happier and healthier If you want to leapfrog ahead to your Mr. Forever, you won't want to miss the course. As an added bonus, you will be receiving a free online training and an "Ask Me Anything" group coaching phone call. Feel free to email me at [email protected] and ask me any questions at all. I will be happy to answer them. If you are ready to sign up and invest in love, sign up and pay in the link below: xoxo, Karenna MAN-ifest Mr. Forever by December! Here's How ![]() The holidays are coming and wouldn't it be great to have a cute boyfriend in the mix? Wouldn't you do everything you could possibly do to get one step closer to your Mr. Forever? Starting Monday, Oct. 16, I am leading a group of amazing ladies in a group coaching course, called MAN-ifesting Mr. Forever, which is a course I designed to accelerate your search. The doors close Sunday at midnight on the sale price, of $600!! I didn't want you to miss out. After Sunday midnight the course goes up to $1,000. It's a $1,000 course that I am offering to fast action takers for $600. Feel free to PM me, or email me at [email protected] if you have any questions about the course. You can also pay directly under the link below: It's a course I designed because I have found it to be the MISSING LINK for many smart successful woman who are on that hamster wheel looking for their Mr. Forevers. Having a good dating strategy is great. So is being attractive. But I have found it's not always enough. You need to feel worthy of a great guy. If you are feeling like it's not possible or that it will never happen for you, then you NEED this course. I will be showing you tools to raise your vibe so high that you are a vibrational match for your Mr. Forever. I just finished training a lovely group of gals on one aspect of MAN-ifesting Mr. Forever. I helped them get clear on what they wanted and showed them to feel it into existence. In the course starting Oct. 16, I will be going much deeper and will be showing you tools to implement so you can leapfrog ahead super fast. The tools I will give you will cause blocks to disappear. You will feel worthy of your ideal man. You will feel happier and will believe it's truly possible. You will radiate such positivity that it will be impossible not to meet him. While you are searching, you will be feeling so good, being single won't be such a drag. And a funny thing happens, once you are happier, you start attracting better guys, guys you are a vibrational match for! You don't need to stay on the hamster wheel. There is an alternative, and when you have the right tools and the right knowledge, you won't have to stay stuck any longer. Please email me and I will answer any questions and get you the discounted price for the course. Or pay directly here: Here's what people are saying about the mini-course I taught this week on Clarity, which is one small part of MAN-ifesting Mr. Forever: *** Thanks Karenna Alexander, you really helped me to feel hopeful again about dating. I feel happier in general because of it. *** I appreciate you Karenna so much. It's a life-changing week. I can feel it. *** Karenna, you are a gift. I can tell you care and want to help others. You are an empath who has walked the walk and been in my shoes. You are like a lovely caring and smart guide 10 steps ahead of me, one who has gathered up such precious knowledge, and it's all in one place, your beautiful mind. I wish I had found you 10 years ago. Ladies, don't let 10 years go by like my client above. In fact, she told me to tell you that. She will be the first to tell you she wishes she got started on this work sooner. You want to move closer to Mr. Forever now, not 10 years from now. Any questions, PM or email [email protected] or pay here right now for the discounted price: xoxo, Karenna |
About Me:I give smart successful women tools to weed out time-wasters and teach them how to find their Mr. Rights. Previous Blogs
January 2023